Monday, November 5, 2007

Leopard upgrade

Though the machine was bought after October 26 (the date Leopard's sales started), I had to resort to "update" by the Mac OS X Leopard Upgrade DVD. Here are my steps:

1. Boot from Upgrade DVD and install Leopard afresh
I originally made 3 partitions, one is boot partition, one is for data, and the last one is for Windows. But Bootcamp refused to use these partitions.. and Disk utility could not remove the extra partitions, so I did this:
diskutil mergePartitions HFS+ disk0s3 disk0s5

to merge boot partition (disk0s3) with disk0s4 and disk0s5. Then Bootcamp is satisfied.

2. Use MBP bundled DVD and install bundled application
Upgrade DVD does not come with iLife, since iLife came not with Tiger but bundled with

3. Install Windows Vista Ultimate via Bootcamp.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hi, I am a Mac (switcher)

I can't really say I switched to Mac, since I used Mac for the first time in 1987, and even since I replaced my last Mac (a PowerBook 520) with a Sony Vaio in 1999, I still used public Macs at school (and at work I regularly use iMac and Xserve). But since 1999 my main machine has always been a Windows machine, so let's just consider I just switched (back) to Mac, which is a MacBook Pro.
So first, my complaints:

1. The screen could not be tilted away deeper.
This is quite annoying, since when I put a notebook computer on my lap, the screen needs to be tilted low for clear viewing.
2. The power adaptor is bulky
It's not just bulky but also heavier. And oh, it hasn't changed since the 90s, the cable is thick! I am not sure if there is benefit of making power cable this thick, but it really is a nuisance.
3. Apple Mail can't use vertical orientation
I can't believe Jobs really thought users would be happy with horizontal orientation while current Apple notebook's screen is wide. Fotunately, macnoto shared me this link that would just solve this problem.
UPDATE 2007/11/11: Letterbox has not been updated to Leopard yet, but there is an alternative here.
4. MagSafe power connector keeps disconnected
Am I too obsessed with using a lap-top PC (i.e., putting it on my lap)? The MagSafe power connector on the left side keeps getting knocked out by my lap.
5. Mac can't hibernate
You may say there is "deep sleep" on Mac, yeah but it's not deep enough. I like to preserve my workspace so I rarely shutdown my notebook computer. On Windows, putting it to hibernate cut power totally (thus saving battery power) and the notebook will never wake up on its own. But Mac only has sleep, no hibernation, and I have experienced twice already putting Mac to sleep and then put it into my bag, only to find it became very hot when I pulled it out since it woke up inside my bag!
UPDATE: Yes there is hibernate on newer Macs including this MBP, but still I can't put the Mac to hibernate immediately using supported method. There is utilities like "Deep Sleep" but this is not using officially supported feature and not always worked in my situation.

Well, there are more, but that's it for now. I am waiting for the Leopard disk to come to try the "300 new features" :P
(BTW, though I am new switcher, I have been a Tiger user;) )

Softwares for the switcher…

After I stopped using Mac as daily personal machine in 1999 (when I bought Sony Vaio 505 to replace my PB520), today I returned to Mac as daily machine. Here are the softwares to make life as switcher easier:

Make Mail vertical oriented

Tuesday, September 25, 2007



Tuesday, September 18, 2007

SunFire’s jet turbine

It's been quite a while since I naturally stopped dealing with Sun servers. Back in college I dealt with Sun SPARC servers, and in Fujitsu I used Fujitsu's SPARC compatible with Solaris. After that, after a few months of using Solaris x86, I had no more direct interaction with Sun servers/operating systems for years. Until recently when I actually saw the details of Sun x64 servers (i.e., IA servers) whose pricing are not as expensive as I tought. I just set up a SunFire X4200 M2 and the first impression is it looks much closer to an Xserve now, but much noisier. When main power is on, it sounds like a jet turbine. I thought Dell's rack mount server is the noisiest, but now I forgot the existence of Xserve and Dell servers when this X4200 M2 is on.
Nevertheless, current Sun servers look cool and powerful. I couldn't wait to actually try the power of dual-core AMD Opteron 2220 2.8GHz.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

jad file for au openappli

Here are compulsory items on jadi file to be compatible with au's openappli:



Preparing WAV file for Julius

This will change the sampling rate to 16KHz
ffmpeg -y -i 20070808.3GP -ar 16000 -acodec pcm_s16le output.wav

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Pakar basbang

Sang "pakar telematika" katanya menemukan versi lain dari lagu Indonesia Raya, dan katanya semoga ini menjadi hadiah bagi RI di bulan Agustus ini:

Lagu Indonesia Raya Versi Pertama Ditemukan di Server Belanda

Inilah Lirik Lagu Pertama Versi Pertama

Duh, ada yang bisa tolong ajarin "sang pakar telematika" ini untuk ikutan milis, baca blog dan pake YouTube, well singkatnya untuk menggunakan Internet? Katanya dia temukan versi lain dari lagu Indonesia Raya di "server Belanda," padahal ini udah lama beredar di YouTube dan gue udah liat dari dulu. Hadiah apaan, fakta basbang buat malu negara aja punya masyarakat dan media massa yang mau dibodoh2in.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

mp3 on W54T’s LISMO

The LISMO software that came with W54T is said to be unable to handle mp3 files. Here is the patch to enable mp3 handling.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Binary contents download via SMS

In Japan contents download is always via browser, but this seems to be simply not the norm in GMS world, where SMS is used for almost everything. I wanted to know how to download some binary data (like a Flash file) to the handset in GSM world. It seems that the keywords are "WAP push sms". In fact, MMS which is the medium operator's email is transported, is actually an SMS with WAP push function. For MMS deliver, the mmsc delivers the sms with URL pointing to the actual MMS message, and the handset will use GPRS to fetch the message via WAP.

How MMS works
Send an SMS to a Java app/MIDlet

Friday, June 8, 2007

Poor man’s blackberry

Almost any recent cellular phone in Japan has all that Blackberry has and much more, minus one (i.e., integration with corporate Exchange server, but this is available as optional service). But when traveling outside Japan while needing to read and responds in Japanese, all I have is poor man's Blackberry, and it took me years to come to this point. Here is how to "make" one:1. Make sure GPRS settings are correct and GPRS is activated by the operator for your subscription.2. You need to be able to use procmail to forward your emails, and has web-based sms sending service subscription that is cheap enough to warrant the name "poor";)3. Use a standard Japanese-capable handset (assuming that, like me, you need to deal with Japanese mails).4. Get Gmail account.5. Download mobile Gmail application from the following URL and install. you are set to receive and send email like with any cell phone in Japan.6. Get real time notification of email arrival using SMS, by setting up a procmail recipe and perl script as follows::0 c* ^From:*\/.* |./ $MATCHThe "" called above could be like this:
#!/usr/bin/perluse LWP::UserAgent;my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;$ua->timeout(10);$ua->agent('Mozilla');my $argc = @ARGV;my $from;my $subject;if ($argc>0) { $from = $ARGV[0]; } else { $from = "uknown"; }#if ($argc>1) { $subject = $ARGV[1]; }my $smsbody = "Mail from $from: $subject";my $posturl = "https://theurltowebbasedsms";my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $posturl);my $res = $ua->request($req);
So whenever an email arrived, the procmail recipe above will get the sender's information (From: field) and pass it to the perl script, which will send it as sms via web interface to my cell phone7. Voila, the poor man's blackberry is now ready to tell you in real time that an email has arrived (at Gmail's email server) and ready to be read (via Gmail's Java application;).

Monday, May 21, 2007

Setting up MediaWiki

A default install of MediaWiki will allow anyone to read and edit.
Adding these lines into LocalSettings.php will allow only logged in users to read/edit:

$wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['read'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['edit'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['createpage'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['createtalk'] = false;

Furthermore, adding the following will allow only sysop to create accounts:

$wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['createaccount'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['createaccount'] = true;
$wgWhitelistRead = array( "Main Page", "Special:Userlogin", "-", "MediaWiki:Monobook.css" );


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Developing add-on for Thunderbird

Introductory document

Find info regarding developing Mozilla extension here:
(e.g., install "Console2" extension to view Jscript errors)

<a href="DOM
The XML User Interface Language (XUL)
Thunderbird: DOMming Around
XMLHTTP notes: abort() and Mozilla bug
Traditional Ways of Tree Traversal
Thunderbird extension development hell
Firefox Extension Development Tutorial :: Overview

Indonesia dan Tagalog

Ini kata2 yang sama antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Tagalog.

Indonesia Tagalog
minum inum
gunting gunting
nangka nangka/langka
kambing kambing
balik balik
dinding dinding
kanan kanan
sayang sayang
mahal mahal
murah murah
takut takut
aku ako
simpan simpan

Thursday, May 10, 2007

OpenWorkBench troubles

I have not been able to run OpenWorkBench on my WinXP Home.
I just saw a new post in the forum saying that in WinXP Pro the problem can be solved by running it as Administrator. Unfortunately it still does not work on my WinXP Home.
I tried on Vista Ultimate, even the install failed with "Internal Error 2739". Some googling revealed that doing "regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\jscript.dll" may solve the problem. The info was not specifically for OpenWorkBench but it solved installation problem. But then OpenWorkBench could not start, giving error message regarding JRE not present. I installed "Java Runtime Environment Version 6 Update 1" from, this solved the problem.
Now OpenWorkBench runs on my Vista machine, but not on my main machine, i.e., WinXP.
And for the first time I saw it running: it's not that impressive...

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Redmine on FreeBSD

First get ruby's tarball.
Then do "./configure; make; make install"
Then install gems as follows:

ruby setup.rb

Then install rails as follows:

gem update
gem install rails --include-dependencies

Then basically follow this basic installation steps:
(getting ruby via SVN is recommended on ruby site... so do the following svn checkout svn://

But there will be iconv related error when running rake (rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production" and so on).

Change directory to /ext/iconv inside ruby's tar ball directory, then do the following:

$ ruby extconf.rb --prefix=$HOME/app --with-iconv-dir=/usr/local
$ make
$ cp /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-freebsd5.4

This will elimiate iconv error.

Uncomment this on config/environment.rb

ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'production'


Sunday, April 29, 2007

As the Deer

Pardon the coughing and Rika's voice in this recording...

As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after Thee
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee

You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee

You're my friend and you are my brother
Even though you are a king
I love you more than any other
So much more than anything

I want you more than gold or silver
Only you can satisfy
You alone are the real joy giver
And the apple of my eye

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Writing iCal


iCalendar Validator

To identify values that contain human readable text:
* For double quote use: DQUOTE
* For a comma use: \,
* For a colon use: ":"
* For a semicolon use: \;
* For a back-slash use \\
* For a new line use \n or \N

Thursday, April 19, 2007






Tuesday, April 10, 2007







Tuesday, April 3, 2007



Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bawang Mumbai

Kemarin ketemu relasi perusahaan India di kantor mereka Tokyo. Kantor pusat dan beberapa cabangnya ada di India. Salah satu nya di Mumbai. Katanya dulu namanya Bombay, tapi ini nama buatan (atau pilihan) Inggris waktu menjajah India, jadi sekarang dikembalikan ke nama aslinya Mumbai. Demikian juga Madras yang nama buatan Inggris dikembalikan ke Chennai nama aslinya. Udah pernah dengar sih rasanya, cuma baru kali ini dengar langsung dari orang India.
Terlepas dari kontroversi mengenai penggantian nama ini, kalo gitu bawang bombay harus ganti nama dong jadi bawang mumbai?

Friday, March 9, 2007


OpenCV related links:

Main site
Open Source Computer Vision Library at Sourceforge
Open Source Computer Vision Library at Intel

Introduction to programming with OpenCV

Image Processing and Analysis Reference
Basic Structures and Operations Reference
Structural Analysis Reference
Experimental Functionality Reference

Some other links:


私が提案する少子化対策は次の通り: 国の年金制度を完全廃止する。国民は子供を十分多くつくり、自分の老後にそなえる。退職したら、複数の子供から仕送りをもらい、そして複数の子供が年をとって弱った自分を介護してもらう。国の年金制度を完全廃止することでこのようにせざるをえない状況を作る。不幸にも子供をで恵まれない夫婦の老後の最低限のレベルを国が生活支援として保証する。



Monday, March 5, 2007

Multi RBL check

Here are some sites to check multiple RBL sites:

robtex's Multi-RBL check
MXRate (not multiple, but decisions are based on info from many servers)

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Asterisk dialplan patterns

X matches any digit from 0-9
Z matches any digit form 1-9
N matches any digit from 2-9
[1237-9] matches any digit or letter in the brackets
(in this example, 1,2,3,7,8,9)
. wildcard, matches one or more characters
! wildcard, matches zero or more characters immediately
(only Asterisk 1.2 and later, see note)


sip.conf settings

Keywords used in sip.conf settings:


* allow -- 有効なコーデックの指定
* allowguest -- パスワードの認証が必要かどうか
* allowexternaldomains -- ドメインによってはじくかどうか
* allowexternalinvites -- 外部への INVITE と REFER コマンドを使用するかどうか(使用不可)
* autocreatepeer -- peer としての設定のされていないユーザからの Register を許可するかどうか
* autodomain -- 「domain」「bindaddr」「externip」「externhost」で設定された値を、ドメインリストに追加するかどうか
* bindaddr -- このサーバで接続を待ち受けるIPアドレス
* bindport -- このサーバで接続を待ち受けるポート番号
* callerid -- コーラ ID の指定
* callevents -- 外部プログラムを使用するかどうか
* canreinvite --
* checkmwi
* compactheaders
* context
* defaultexpiry
* disallow
* domain -- このサーバに割り当てるドメイン
* dtmfmode
* externhost
* externip
* externrefresh
* fromdomain
* ignoreregexpire
* insecure
* language
* localnet
* localmask
* maxexpiry
* musicclass
* nat
* notifymimetype
* notifyringing
* ospauth
* outboundproxy
* outboundproxyport
* pedantic
* progressinband
* promiscredir
* realm
* recordhistory
* regcontext
* register
* registerattempts
* registertimeout
* relaxdtmf
* rtautoclear
* rtcachefriends
* rtpholdtimeout
* rtpkeepalive
* rtptimeout
* rtupdate
* sendrpid
* sipdebug -- SIPの動作部分のみのデバッグ情報を出力する
* srvlookup
* subscribecontext
* tos
* trustrpid
* useclientcode
* useragent
* usereqphone
* videosupport
* vmexten


* accountcode
* allow
* allowguest
* amaflags
* auth
* call-limit
* callerid
* callgroup
* callingpres
* canreinvite
* context
* defaultip
* deny
* disallow
* dtmfmode
* fromdomain
* fromuser
* fullcontact
* host
* incominglimit
* insecure
* ipaddr
* language
* mailbox
* md5secret
* musiconhold
* name
* nat
* ospauth
* outboundproxy
* permit
* pickupgroup
* port
* progressinband
* promiscredir
* qualify
* regexten
* regseconds
* restrictcid
* rtpholdtimeout
* rtpkeepalive
* rtptimeout
* secret
* sendrpid
* setvar
* subscribecontext
* trustrpid
* useclientcode
* usereqphone
* username
* vmexten


Bridge mode for VMWare Player

This is how to set guest OS to use bridged mode (for example installing Trixbox, see

Guest OS is Windows 2003 Server with two NICs, one connected to global network, one to private network. The guest OS should be connected via bridged connection to private network.

Go to VMWare Player install directory and run vmnetcfg.exe. Click "自動ブリッジ" tab and see the virtual NIC that is bridged (usually, or perhaps always, VMnet0). Then click "ホスト仮想ネットワークの割当", and at VMnet0 select the host OS NIC that is connected to private network.
Then start VMWare player with the guest OS, set the player's Ethernet to Bridged. Settings are finished for host OS and player side.
Now go to guest OS and set the network connection accordingly. For example, if the host OS is CentOS (or other Linuxes), set /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to something like this:



Wednesday, February 21, 2007

qpsmtpd for anti-spam

Here are the steps to use qpsmtpd:

Get qpsmtpd from
Extract and put for example on /usr/local/qpsmtpd
Change the port number of currently running qmail from 25 to, for example, 2525
Put (or uncomment) the following line on /usr/local/qpsmtpd/config/plugins
queue/smtp-forward localhost 2525
Make a symbolic link from daemontools' service directory to /usr/localqpsmtpd

The qpsmtpd will then run with default plugins. A list of plugins can be found at

Here are some plugins that require extra work to set:

This plugin can be downloaded from This plugin requires a database (cdb file) of valid recipient addresses, which can be made with mkvalidrcptto and cdbmake-12 program, a part of djb's cdb package. A cron job as follows will then periodically make the list of valid RCTP TO addresses and turn into cdb file:

cd /var/qmail/control

if [ ! -f validrcptto.txt ] ; then touch validrcptto.txt ;

fi mkvalidrcptto > if ! diff validrcptto.txt > /dev/null 2>&1
cdbmake-12 validrcptto.cdb tmp$$ < chmod 644 validrcptto.cdb

mv -f validrcptto.txt

Then put this line on /usr/local/qpsmtpd/config/plugins
check_validrcptto_cdb /var/qmail/control/validrcptto.cdb

O'Reilly Using Qpsmtpd

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Replacing SCCP to SIP on Cisco IP 7960

I got time (and enough motivation) to finally got rid of the SCCP firmware inside this Cisco IP 7960 that has been idle for years.

1. Setup a TFTP server
2. Put these files on the TFTP server
(E.g., for v6.3, the file is P0S3-06-3-00.bin)
3. Set 7960 for firmware update
Press **# at the main window of 7960 to unlock the phone, then set DHCP to yes, and alternate to TFTP to yes. Then, press "*","6",Setting buttons at the same time to reboot. The 7960 will then boot with SIP firmware
4. Put these files on the TFTP server
5. Set the 7960 for SIP setting
Press "*","6",Setting buttons at the same time to reboot again. The 7960 will then booth with SIP settings according to the contents of SIPDefault.cnf and SIP<MAC addresss>.cnf (for example, SIP000B46CABF9F.cnf if the MAC address of the 7960 is 000B46CABF9F)

Configuring Cisco 79xx phones with Asterisk
Cisco 7960 IP Phone - SIP firmware version
Using Cisco IP Phones with Asterisk
Cisco IP Phone 7960 Administrator Guide for SIP, Version 1.0
Cisco IP Phone 7960 Administrator Guide for SIP, Version 2.0
SIP IP Telephone 7940/7960 Software

Asterisk + VP-1000 + Cisco IP 7960

I got Windows server, Fletsphones and Cisco phones, and I got account on Voipbuster with free calls to Japan and other countries. Why can't I make free calls from these phones? So here is my try at Asterisk.

1. Install Trixbox (formerly Asterisk@Home)
Since Trixbox is CentOS based, and I don't have a free machine, I took a VMware image found here, (See "Introducing A Plug-And-Play Asterisk PBX for Windows") and run it on top of a Windows server via VWware Player. Note: set the VMware player to use NAT and DHCP.

2. Setup Asterisk to use Voipbuster account as outgoing trunk
Open freePBX interface of Trixbox, then click on "Trunks" menu. Make a little tweak to "SIP/voipdiscount" trunk just for quick test as follows:

PEER details:

Register string

Adjust dialplan strings on both "Trunk" and "Outbound Routes".

3. Setup VP-1000
Setup VP-1000 to use Asterisk as SIP proxy/registrar. For example, use the pre-set number 500 (password 1234). Then VP-1000 can dial to whatever number allowed by dialplan via Voipbuster.

4. Setup Cisco IP Phone 7960
This is a bit not straightforward, since 7960 is shipped with SCCP ("Skinny" protocol) firmware by default, and this one is no exception. Though some people say that Asterisk can support Skinny protocol, it's a lot easier if the firmware is replaced with SIP firmware. So I replaced SCCP to SIP and the rest is like setting any SIP user agent.