Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Browse Nokia 6680’s files over BT on Mac

Mac could not browse Nokia 6680's (or, it seems, any Nokia's S60 device) files over BT on Mac. The problem is not on Mac side, but on Nokia side. Nokia has crippled the device.

Here is how to make it work:

OBEX File Transfer on Series 60, with Bluetooth File Exchange on OS X

(See full article at http://www.martin.st/software/s60-obexftp/)

Download these softwares:
SDP Editor (for Series 60 1st and 2nd edition)


Using SdpBrowser, select Get PC Suite info in the Device menu, select the phone and click browse. If everything works as it should, it gives the SDP record handle of the OBEX FTP record and the RFCOMM channel of the PC Suite service.

Then start SDP Editor on the phone, choose Update channel in the menu, and enter the handle and RFCOMM channel given by SdpBrowser. Then, Bluetooth File Exchange should be able to browse the files on the phone.

The handle and channel shouldn't change as long as you don't install/remove any service on the phone, so in general you'll only need to rerun the application on the phone with the last, working values.

If it doesn't give all the necessary information, you can try to read it manually from the raw SDP records. Select Browse in the Device menu, and select the phone. Look for a record with the text "OBEX File Transfer", and look for the number on the row starting with "0:" in this record (e.g. "0: 0x10006"). That's the record handle (in hexadecimal). Also look for a record with the text "Nokia OBEX PC Suite Services". That record should have a row like "4: { { <0100> } }, { { <0003> }, { 0xc } }, { { <0008> } }". Here 0xc, that is 12, is the RFCOMM channel.

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